Given Grace Consultancy is a ministry dedicated to helping individuals & families discover their purpose & fulfill their calling. By providing resources, support, & guidance our ministry empowers others to overcome their circumstances & create lasting change.
Utilizing innovative solutions, we offer comprehensive spiritual & leadership consulting services for individuals, ministries & faith-based organizations. This ministry is founded in devotion to helping you maximize your full spiritual potential & expand your impact.
Individualized Consultation

Individualized Consultation service offers a comprehensive & complimentary assessment of your specific personal needs in fundamental target areas such as:
Health & Wellness
Education & Profession
Resources & Finances
Spirituality & Relationships
and MORE
We're here to help support you in identifying & intensifying the achievement of your goals. This service offers guidance & collaborative support to help you make informed decisions & arrive at the Divine Destination appointed over your life.
Theology Thesis - Spiritual Enrichment

The Ministry of Theology Thesis is designed to help individuals grow spiritually & mature in their faith. Focusing on cultivating a deep level of personal enrichment, we help to reveal the accurate application of holy scriptures. Helping others grow in their spiritual journey results in a rejuvenated perspective of life & builds a revitalized commitment to living by the WORD.
This service reveals the natural identity of each individual who seeks to enrich their spirituality & strengthen their emuwnah {faith}. Learn how to understand & apply the holy scriptures to everyday life through intensive biblical education.
Striving to help others grow in their ability to believe & perceive the reality of the spiritual world, this consultancy creates a firm foundation that manifests the gift of experiencing an abundant life.
Lifestyle Coaching

The Lifestyle Coaching service is designed to provide personalized, professional services that help you reach your goals. Through individualized assessment of your particular needs & innovative solutions that promote the development of your unique abilities, this service supports you with the accountability that's needed to live an abundant & spiritually fulfilling life.
In collaboration with your talents & strengths, we're committed to helping you establish a balanced lifestyle that empowers you to pursue purposeful living. Investing in this service is investing in yourself. Our methods are custom-designed to help you reach your Divine Destination & celebrate the achievement of your greatest potential as you: live, love and build an everlasting legacy.
Ministry Mission: Business Building

Ministry Commission is a Business Building service that guides entrepreneurs in the launch & maintenance of a ministry-focused business. Equipped with the required structure to envision the path of success & endure the necessities that lead to greatness, we support you in establishing your services in the field of faith.
Identifying your passions & perfecting your purpose-filled mission will provide you with all the tools & expertise needed to ensure your ministry is successful & sustainable so that you can enjoy the journey.
The larger the goal the greater the glory! We'll help you realize the path you were commissioned to summit so you can start climbing the mountain of success. Paired with my unique and innovative resources, you can be confident that you are on the right track to achieving your business goals.
Biblical Basics Audio Readings:
Restored Hebraic Context of the Holy Scriptures

Biblical Basics is a service dedicated to helping people gain an understanding of the holy scriptures with an intimate appreciation for the Hebrew culture that existed during biblical times. My audio readings provide the unique opportunity of hearing the WORD, spoken with the authentic depth of the original context & language.
As it is written in the WORD: "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the WORD of ELOHIYM" -- Romaiym {Romans} 10:17
This service allows others to experience the richness of the English translation of scripture paired with the originality of the Hebrew language, which provides the true meaning of the ancient text that was lost with modern translation methods.
In addition, we also provide access to spiritual texts that were originally included in the early canonization of scripture but were removed during religious wars & historical political conflicts throughout various historical periods. The audible narration of these Chokmah Cepheriym {Books of Wisdom}, creates a unique & distinguished revealing of biblical wisdom.
Encountering the WORD in a way that is audible to hear, produces Emuwnah: the ability to believe. This practice creates an understanding of the WORD that connects this spiritual experience to the soul in a way that is physically felt in the body. Hear the Ruach: the breath of the Most High and gain a more meaningful appreciation of Ha'Omer Elohai {the WORD of the Almighty GOD}.
Ministry Miracle: Business Enrichment

Ministry Miracle is a revolutionary Business Enrichment service that can bring miraculous results to your ministry-focused business. Our process will help you identify & break through the boundaries holding your business back & enable you to create a plan to enrich your business & blessings. This provides you with the power to take your business to the next level & beyond.